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In this guide you can learn: ✔ What is Sirtfood Diet? What is the Skinny Gene? How to Follow the Sirtfood diet 35 Quick and Easy Recipes 7 Days Meal Plan to Activate Sirtuins 28 Days Program How Superfoods Prevent Cancer and many more...
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This book provides a summary of the neurobiology of innate and treatment-induced repair mechanisms after hypoxia and reviews the state of the art for human therapeutics in relation to promoting behavioral recovery after stroke.
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In Ten Poems to Change Your Life, Roger Housden shows how these astonishing poems can inspire you to live what you always knew in your bones but never had the words for.
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A 16-session, drama-based intervention for youth ages 8-14 on the autism spectrum.
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Covering neuroscience and rehabilitation strategies, an essential handbook and reference for multidisciplinary stroke rehabilitation teams.
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Edited with Introduction, Notes & Vocabulary
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The Second Edition of this single-authored volume integrates multiple disciplines of basic and clinical research to help clinicians further develop the best possible care for the rehabilitation of patients with neurologic diseases.
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A comprehensive, in depth and accessible resource for students of public sector management and administration: with an international authorship, this is more comprehensive, cohesive and international than any other textbook in the area.